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RightFAX Word for Windows Macro Documentation
The file FAXMACRO.DOC is a Microsoft Word for Windows document which includes
within itself, the RightFAX macro. To install the RightFAX macro on your
system, follow these steps:
1) Start Word For Windows
2) Close ALL open windows/documents
3) Open FAXMACRO.DOC using the File-Open command
4) Read the help text
5) Double click on the INSTALL button at the bottom of the document
and the RightFAX macro will be installed into your NORMAL.DOT
6) If all goes well, the command Send Fax should appear at the bottom
of the Utilities menu.
RightFAX WordPerfect 5.1 Macro Documentation
08/17/94 NOTE: Several changes have been made to this macro at the request
of our users. The macro itself is documented rather
thoroughly. We recommend that you look through the macro
by loading it into WordPerfect (use CTRL-F10, then hit ALT-F
and choose to EDIT the macro - be careful not to save any
unintentional changes).
This document provides a general description of the RightFAX
WordPerfect macro. It is not intended to teach macro creation
under WordPerfect in any way. If you plan to make changes to
this macro, please refer to the appropriate section in your
WordPerfect manual for details.
This macro was written using WordPerfect 5.1. Newer versions of
WordPerfect may not run the macro correctly. The macro file named
ALTF.W50 will work for WordPerfect version 5.0. If you have this
version, rename the ALTF.W50 file to ALTF.WPM. The macro has the same
basic functionality as the WP 5.1 version, but is constructed somewhat
The RightFAX WordPerfect macro is available in the RightFAX
CLIENT directory as ALTF.WPM. Assuming you don't already have an
ALTF.WPM macro, copy thisfile into the directory where your
WordPerfect macros are normally kept (usually \WP51 or
\WP51\MACROS). From this point on, you may run the RightFAX
macro by hitting ALT-F while in WordPerfect. If you already have
an ALTF.WPM macro or would simply like to use another key for the
RightFAX macro, change the macro's file name to specify a
different letter. For example, changing the name to ALTE.WPM
would allow you to access the RightFAX macro by hitting ALT-E
instead of ALT-F. You may also change the macro name to
something other than an ALT-KEY combination. For example, if you
change the macro's file name to FAX.WPM, then the macro can be
executed by hitting ALT-F10 followed by "FAX". In all cases,
remember to keep the ".WPM" extention in the file name.
The RightFAX WordPerfect macro gives you a simple way of entering
the embedded codes necessary to send a document as a fax. You
should create or load your document first. Once it is ready to
be faxed, execute the macro. Using the information you provide,
the macro will insert the proper RightFAX codes at the top of
your document, print the document TO THE CURRENTLY SELECTED
PRINTER and then delete the RightFAX codes. It is important that
you select the proper RightFAX printer before using the macro,
since it makes no attempt to see if you're printing to the right
** Please save your document before using the macro! This is
only safety precaution in the unlikely event that the document is
changed during macro execution.
While in WordPerfect, hit ALT-F (or whatever key combination or
macro name you used for the RightFAX macro). A 'dialog box' will
appear on the screen which allows you to enter the name, phone
number, company and other fax-related information. Enter the
proper information. Use either an 'N' or a 'Y' in the
Attachments, Preview and Fine Mode fields at the bottom of the
screen. You cannot switch between fields to edit mistakes, but
you will be asked to confirm your entries before the document is
actually faxed. You may enter an asterisk ('*') in any field
(except "Yes/No" fields) to have the macro end before filling out
all of the information. For example, if you only want to enter
the NAME, then you may enter an asterisk in the NUMBER field and
the macro will not force you to enter information for the
remaining fields. You will be asked if the information you
entered is correct at the bottom of the screen. Entering 'Y'
will cause the macro to fax the document, and entering 'N' will
ERASE ALL YOUR ENTRIES and allow you to start over. If you want
to cancel the macro, simply press F1.
If you have any questions, please call RightFAX, Inc. at
(602) 327-1357, or fax your questions to (602) 321-7456.